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85th Annual Meeting Recap

Hearts, flowers and laughs abounded during our Valentine’s Day 85th Annual Meeting. Members met at the Goodman Community Center in the Evjue Room for an early evening of mingling, delicious pasta, decadent chocolate cake and cash prizes. 

The Board of Directors Chairman Robin Piper led the meeting followed by MCU President, Ilene Fritschler and Board Treasurer, Tom Sakash. Members showed a great interest and involvement by offering positive questions and input in the continued success of the credit union.  You can view an electronic version of the Annual Report here.

The Board of Director election winners were announced. There were three openings and three candidates. As of now the current MCU Board of Directors are:

Robin Piper, Chairman
Judy Drousth, Vice Chairwoman
Tom Sakash, Treasurer
Jo Ann Terasa, Secretary
Larry Schultz, Director

The meeting was followed by a raffle where many members walked away as winners. There were cash prizes totalling $150. And along with tradition, we raffled off the table centerpieces which included potted spring plants.

Enjoy the photos from the event and we look forward to seeing everyone again next year!

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Rebecca Lauryssens
Rebecca is a world traveler and marketer who is dedicated to providing quality financial assistance to everyone. She firmly believes in the credit union motto of "people helping people" and strives to bring that into every project in which she has a part.