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MMB Branch to Close Oct. 28

Madison Credit Union is set to close the MMB branch office, located in the Madison Municipal Building, on October 28th. Like all of the city departments located in the MMB, MCU must move out in early November to make way for impending renovations.


Losing the branch office in the MMB will require some members to change their banking habits, but Madison Credit Union President, Dave Petit, is confident the transition will be made easier due to the number of electronic services available to members.


“We’ve found that while 10% of our members use the branch office, the vast majority of them are also comfortable using many of the electronic services we offer. There are very few transactions that take place in person, that cannot also be conducted via an alternate service method,” Petit said.


Despite the branch closure, Madison Credit Union remains committed to serving the financial needs of all of its members. If you need more information about electronic services, continue reading this issue of Checks & Balances. As always, if you have further questions or need more information, call us at 608-266-4750 or find one of our locations

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