Become a Board Member
Have a say in how your credit union is run. Board members help set the general direction of the credit union and oversee management in the operations of MCU. The board is responsible for the general oversight and final decision-making over the affairs, funds and records of MCU in accordance with the Articles and Bylaws of the Credit Union.
Members are elected to serve a three-year term, or the remaining term of a previous director.
Board Member Qualifications
- Must be a member in good standing with MCU.
- Must be at least 18 years of age.
- Must be a member of MCU for at least twelve (12) months.
- Must be bondable by MCU’s
- Must authorize a
Educational Requirements
A Board Member must have a certain base level of financial skills, consistent with the size and complexity of the credit union. At a minimum, they must have the ability to read and understand MCU’s balance sheet and income statement. If they do not have these skills when elected or appointed, MCU will make the appropriate financial training available to the Board member. Training must be completed within six months of election.
Required Meetings
- Monthly Board Meeting
- Annual Meeting of the membership held once per year.
- Annual Planning Session: normally a half day planning session on a Friday afternoon in the fall or spring; or a two-hour session following a Board Meeting.
- Other assigned committee meetings: meetings vary depending on the specific committee.
- Exit reviews by examiners are not required, but attendance is highly recommended.
MCU Board of Directors Nomination Form
Advisory Committee
Want to get involved in the credit union but not ready to make the commitment to run for the Board of Directors? Join our Advisory Committee. We meet for lunch, one to two times per year for about an hour with a proposed topic, a current promotion, a new service we would like to offer, etc. It’s a great way to have an influence over the products and services the credit union offers and network with other like minded individuals.